12:31 PM
Family Cuisine Food And Recipe

Portion: for 3 adults
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Cost: SGD 35
700g premium fresh prawns shelled and de-veined
200g premium fresh chicken fillet diced
100g premium fresh scallop cubed
100g premium dried oyster finely diced
3 cups premium fresh cabbage chopped
1/3 premium fresh radish chopped
1/2 cup garlic chopped
1/2 cup shallots chopped
1/10 cup ginger shredded
1/10 cup chicken stock
3 cups chicken stock adjusted for cooking rice
3 cups premium long grained rice
2 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoon salt
Premium oyster sauce
1/10 cup olive oil
What's Special:
The good old cabbage seafood grandma style....yummy and hotly served.
1)Pan fry the shallots, garlic in olive oil till fragrant. Meanwhile cook 3 cups of rice with stock.
2)Add in the ginger, prawns, scallops, oyster, chicken, sauce, sugar, salt and cabbage and fry for 5 mins. Add in stock and braised for 20 mins.
3)Thank grandma for this dish served to 3 offsprings.
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