5 Spiced Meat Flavoured Rice


Portion: 3 adults
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Cost: SGD 15

500g premium spiced meat diced
3 rice cups premium fragrant long grained rice
2 tablespoon premium cooked white vinegar
2 teaspoon salt
Chicken Stock for cooking rice
2 medium deep fried shallots sliced
2 large whole deep fried garlic sliced
Oyster sauce
Olive Oil

What's Special:
Adding vinegar and salt to the rice gives a "sweeter" taste to the whole cuisine. The simple dish is just very homely to dine upon because of its simple combination.

1) Cook the rice with fish stock, shallots, garlic, vinegar and salt in the pot.
2) In a heated pan of olive oil, stir fry remaining garlic, shallots, oyster sauce and meat for 10 mins.
3)Put the mixture into the cooked rice for 10 mins .
4)Serve the heartful cuisine to your loved ones in the family.


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